Drum homes is an Atlanta based family business that thrives on the challenge of turning any property into a HOME.
Married in 1996, Nathan was a musician (a drummer of course!) and Beth was working as a fashion stylist and like many their age, both were trying to figure out what they were going to be when they grew up. It didn't take long for them to discover that they had a joint creative passion - transforming homes. Renovation and restoration became a lifestyle for them long before they started doing it for a living. While living in and restoring several of their own homes, they soon realized that Beth's background in fashion and Nathan's earlier construction experience melded into a dynamic renovation duo.
After a few years as a real estate agent, Nathan finally decided that he liked working on houses better than selling them and Drum Custom Renovations was born. At the same time, Beth's creative vision inspired her to start an interior design business. Suddenly, what they were going to do when they grew up became a lot clearer.
Drum Homes combines the talents of the two and is a destination for anything home.
** and for the record, although they now know what they want to be, they don't ever plan on growing up **
Specializing in hand-crafted and unique spaces, Nathan and Beth look forward to crafting a custom SPACE for your family!